We participate in the program Tast Vertical of Catalunya Radio


Ramon Francàs and Empar Moliner taste one of our wines live.

Last Friday the program Tast Vertical was broadcast on Catalunya Radio and Maria Casanovas and Jordi Casanovas, managers of the Fermí Bohigas winery, were interviewed.

The program is directed by Ramon Francas and Empar Moliner, two wine expert journalists, and topics such as experience in the wine and cava sector were addressed, as well as the tasting and comments on Inicis by Bohigas wine.

In the following link you can listen to the entire interview in Catalan (from minute 39):  https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/alacarta/tast-vertical/vi-al-marge-de-les-do/audio/1114802/?ext=SMA_WP_F4_CE24_